Friday, October 27, 2017

Marketing Your Services to Translation Agencies

Note: This is a blog post by Global Language Service Ltd. on
          The source is referenced at the end.

Does approaching translation agencies give you the fear? Are you not sure how to present yourself? Does ‘marketing’ sound like something you’re just not ready for?
This blog is about how you can make yourself known, and make a ‘helluva’ first impression in the world of translation and interpretation.

#1 Set up your own website

Are you already considering skipping step 1 because you don’t think you can build your own website? Relax, it doesn’t have to be hard. Actually, you can make a brilliant site without knowing one single piece of coding.
Having a website can be incredibly beneficial when applying for jobs and when you’re trying to establish yourself as a freelance translator. Make it easy for people to find out who you are, and why they should hire you.
There are loads of platforms out there, that can help you build your own website. Two of the most popular sites are and WordPress. Have a look around and choose one that fits you and your technical abilities.

#2 Make sure your LinkedIn is on point

LinkedIn is one of the fastest growing networks for professionals. If you’ve not got a profile already, then we suggest you schedule a day off and set up an account.
When looking through applications, agencies and other employers often google your name. This is to see what the internet has to say about you – and what you’ve had to say for yourself on the internet. LinkedIn has a lot of credibility, and your account is likely show up on one of the first pages of Google when someone searches for your name.
LinkedIn gives a clear overview of your employment history, your education and your qualifications. Think of LinkedIn as an extended CV. Make sure it’s up to date and looking fresh.

#3 Build a translation portfolio

It’s easier to believe something you can see, than something you’ve been told. You can either say ‘I’ve done lots of great translations for y’ or you can show some of the great work you’ve done.
Your portfolio can contain things you’ve translated, your qualifications, a copy of your CV, associations you’re a member of, personal information, and whatever else you think might be relevant.
Depending on where your skills lie, and what you think suits you – you can either make a hard copy portfolio, add it onto your website, or make a second website/ blog for it. Have in mind that creating all these sites and social media accounts can be time consuming. Pick a few, stick to them, and update them regularly.

#4 Business Cards, should they stay or should they go?

In a increasingly digital world, some industries and some people are ditching business cards. Whether you want to splash the cash or not, is up to yourself. If you think you can make a first impression and give people you meet something to remember you by (and your contact details), then we say go for it.
However, when we are at exhibitions and networking events, we meet A LOT of people. As much as we want to remember everyone, and their email address, it’s very hard! Hand us your business card, and we’ll be able to give you a call or send you an email if we’re interested.

#5 Blog what’s on your mind

If you’re a passionate translator, let the industry know what you’re working on, what you’re thinking about, and what is going on in your part of the translation world. Having your own blog is an indication that you’re passionate about your job and that you’re a thinker.
Start a blog, share posts on LinkedIn, or simply add your thoughts to your website. We know it can be time consuming to keep a blog, but when you reflect on your role as a translator and what’s going on in the world and industry, you often learn new things.

#6 Contact agencies

We all know that one person that complains night and day that they can’t find their dream job, but doesn’t do anything about it. Don’t be that person.
Get out there, contact us if you’re interested. Contact us if you want a chat about what life is like in our agency.
We like initiative!

#7 The application and the CV

When you send your application and your CV make sure it’s good. We don’t want a standard letter that goes out to 50 different places.
Your CV should be up to date, and your application personal. We want to know why you want to work for us. When agencies can see that you’ve put an effort into your application, and gone the extra mile, you’re in the spotlight.

#8 The dreaded networking

We know that networking is stressful and not always very fun, but believe us it really pays off! It’s hard to make a proper good impression over email, or 140 characters. Sometimes, just showing up puts you ahead of the curve.
In a world where there are way more job applicants than jobs, you’ve got to stand out!

#9 What now?

We (Global Language Services Ltd.) obviously can’t speak on behalf of all agencies in the world. But we think that if you follow our steps above, you’ll do great and agencies WILL pay attention to you. We’ve got nothing else to say except: ‘go get em’ tiger!’

About GLS

Hi there, we’re Global Language Service Ltd, and we are a translation and interpretation agency. Though based in Scotland, our reach goes way beyond the northern UK. We are always looking for new talent, so if you’re on the job hunt feel free to get in touch.


1 comment:

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